
During its April 17, 2024 meeting, Harlingen City Commissioners approved an ordinance adopting new water and sewer rates. With the new rate plan adoption, customers will see a portion of the increased rate on their bill starting in May. The entire rate increase will be phased in over five years.

HWWS’s revenue is generated from customer water and wastewater rates. Because the cost for critical upgrades and replacements exceed the revenue collected through previous rates, HWWS undertook a rate study to determine revenue needs and the necessary rate adjustments. The new rates will help cover forecasted operating expenses, capital asset costs, and funding of HWWS five-year capital improvement plan. Projects to be constructed throughout Harlingen include replacing and upgrading sewer interceptor and trunk pipelines, installing new water transmission pipelines, rehabilitating or replacing failing manholes and lift stations, and replacing broken, failing pipes, treatment plant equipment, and meters.

The rate plan was designed with a goal of encouraging water conservation and affordability for Harlingen residents least able to afford higher charges. The block rate for residential water use up to 3,000 gallons will be reduced from $1.71 to $1.30, while greater usage will see higher rates. Ultimately, the more water consumed, the higher the rate that will be charged. In addition, a lifeline discount will be made available to help financially disadvantaged customers who receive housing assistance through Harlingen Housing Authority.

Learn more about the new rates, the rate study, and capital improvement projects on our rates webpage.