The Lab’s mission is to assess, protect and improve water quality in our community. Developing and maintaining a water quality laboratory program to ensure that all standards for the protection of public health and the environment are met to achieve this mission. The staff works diligently to ensure that the city water resources are appropriately used and protected.

HWWS maintains a water quality laboratory to serve the community, surrounding utilities, and private sector clients. Our laboratory meets stringent Quality Assurance requirements set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), and is certified to analyze drinking water Chemical and Bacteriological contaminants that may pose a health risk.  The goals of the program are to:

  1. Ensure compliance with all Drinking Water Standards for the protection of public health established by the EPA and TCEQ.
  2. Respond to consumer concerns by answering questions about drinking water, preparing and distributing water quality reports, collecting and analyzing samples, and investigating problems involving water quality, seeps, or other environmental concerns.
  3. Analyze our source water supplies to help determine what treatment is needed to consistently produce a high-quality drinking water.
  4. Monitor the treated water to assess the effectiveness of the treatment process.
  5. Test new water mains to ensure that they meet sanitation requirements before they are connected to the distribution system.
  6. Provide an early warning of problems in the distribution system that may require changes in the treatment process, or in the operation and maintenance of the system.
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