September 1, 2023 – Water Flushing Feature
Some hydrants are equipped with devices that automatically flush on set time intervals. Do you know where the one pictured below is located?
Image 2 – Fire hydrant flushing near Westgate Circle North and FM 801
Have you ever wondered why HWWS opens some fire hydrants for no apparent reason? We often get calls complaining about water being “wasted” from fire hydrants.
The disinfectant used to keep water safe to drink deteriorates over time, so we routinely flush water from fire hydrants near the outer limits of the distribution system where water has travelled further and for a longer amount of time. Flushing activity ramps up during the summer because higher temperatures speed up the rate of water quality deterioration.
HWWS continually monitors disinfectant levels and other water quality characteristics to:
Ensure the water remains safe Minimize the amount of water that must be flushed Maintain compliance with water quality standards enforced by the State of Texas.
In the last week alone, we flushed 6,985,000 gallons of water as part of our water quality maintenance program.