Rate Study Conducted for Proposed Rate Increase

HWWS retained a professional independent consultant to understand how much of a rate increase will be needed to cover operating cost increases and construct necessary improvement projects to ensure HWWS

Connect with Us on Instagram and X

In addition to Facebook, HWWS is now on Instagram and X. Follow the accounts for updates, tips on water conservation, behind-the-scenes glimpses of our work and much more. Harlingen Waterworks

Water Night

Join us for a free community event to learn about your Waterworks System during Water Night. Meet the dedicated staff members, ask questions and gain insight into your water and

HWWS in Action

September 22, 2023 – Underground World of Utilities September 8, 2023 – Clay Pipe Failure Repair September 8, 2023 – Water Distribution Operations September 1, 2023 – Water Flushing Feature